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2023 | 01. October

The JEFF Song that rocked the Charts

We imagined it with confetti rain and a craving for an apéritif. But when the email from the management announced that we should also produce a song for the 10-year JEFF anniversary event, we briefly put down the ice-cold «JEFF on the beach». The motto was to create an earworm.

Having been dancing around everyone for 10 years now, we have some experience with dance moves. So, it was only a matter of time until we would revolutionize the Spotify lists of all employees. The song came out to stay.

When «Pitch Werber ft. JEFF - Träum Wiiter» is played in the sacred halls of the agency on Grubenstrasse, hips loosen up, and we all dance until 3:00 AM. All in the spirit of, «ich bliib no es bitzli da» (I'll stay a little longer.)

Unfortunately, the song didn't blast through the charts – but we keep dreaming on!

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