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2023 | 31. August

Two new Partners for a Hallelujah

As of September 2023, Lena Koschek and Nicolas Jakob join the ranks of partners at JEFF Zurich GmbH. Both have been with JEFF for several years and are now taking the step into the management level of the Zurich creative agency.

Sparks flew at the Interview

Lena Koschek completed her higher education entrance qualification in Germany in 2009 and then studied International Business Management before moving to Switzerland, where she worked for companies such as Brandsoul, Swarovski, and Mila, among others. Her strengths lie in project management, brand marketing, live communication, and strategic customer management.

Before Lena's journey led her to Binz, she spent a year and a half in London with Tom Dixon, where she was responsible for the global online business. In August 2020, she became a JEFFie. Originally employed as a Senior Project Manager, she became a team leader within two years, and after another year, Lena is now becoming a partner in the agency founded in 2011. Additionally, since the beginning of 2023, she has been part of the six-member executive team at JEFF, holding the position of Co-COO.

«JEFF was actually not at all in my plans, but I stumbled upon the job advertisement by chance and applied with a click» Lena recalls. «But already during the job interview, I knew I belonged here. It's the combination of exciting project work and the unique people at JEFF. The conviction that we can achieve great things together and that dreaming is not only allowed but encouraged. As a partner, I see myself as an ambassador and enabler of this conviction. Together with the partners and employees, I want to further develop JEFF as an employer and as a creative forge and inspire people.»

The Logical Step After 9 Years

Nicolas Jakob, better known as «Nicu» is now celebrating his ninth anniversary at JEFF. The Bern native gained his first insights into the working world during his computer science apprenticeship, followed by a design-oriented vocational baccalaureate and a Bachelor's in Visual Communication at ZHdK. Nicu has broadened his design perspectives through further education in Australia, London, and an exchange semester at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC). Before joining JEFF in June 2015, he gained over two years of valuable experience in branding at Interbrand Zurich.

Nicu has experienced the development of JEFF up close and shaped it himself by taking over as Co-Team Lead of the Graphic Unit in 2021. «All these experiences have confirmed my decision to become a partner» Nicu is pleased to say. «As a partner at JEFF, my goal is to continue setting new standards in the future and to inspire our clients and employees in every aspect. In my role as Art Director, I am particularly looking forward to our playground, Visual Design, and am convinced that we will reach many more milestones in the coming years. I look forward with great anticipation to everything that lies ahead.»

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