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Wodka Gorbatschow IceBreaker One


Henkell & Co. Sektkellerei KG


  • Live

Wodka Gorbatschow meets Parookaville Festival!

132 customized panels made from
255 plywood sheets, with
1,800 meters of beam offcuts
550 liters of paint for creative painting work
4,000 screws
120 liters of burnstop solution
420 clips for attachment to the scaffolding

132 customized panels made
from 255 plywood sheets, with
1,800 meters of beam offcuts
550 liters of paint for creative
painting work, 4,000 screws
120 liters of burnstop solution
420 clips for attachment
to the scaffolding

«The festival provides the perfect stage
for an extraordinary brand presentation
and strengthens the image of
Wodka Gorbatschow among a young
and enthusiastic target audience.»

«The festival provides
the perfect stage for
an extraordinary brand
presentation and
strengthens the image of
Wodka Gorbatschow
among a young and
enthusiastic target audience.»

Jan Rock, Global Head of Corporate Communications at Henkell Freixenet

Any questions?

Ask us

For example, why is rosé more shrimp-colored? Why does a chicken only smile with its molars? Or why are we the way we are? (Spoiler: We would also like to know the last one ourselves.)