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125 Years Anniversary


F. Hoffmann-La Roche


  • Live
  • Campaigns
  • Visual Design

125 years of celebrating life

More than 20,000 visitors per night
at Rhine River for tower light projection.

10 Mio. views on the aftermovie.

More than 20,000 visitors
per night at Rhine River
for tower light projection.

10 Mio. views
on the aftermovie.

«A comparable project has not been done
at Roche before. Celebrate Life has moved people.»

«A comparable project
has not been done at
Roche before. Celebrate
Life has moved people.»

Ursula Fischler Strategic Initiatives Lead Group Communications

«An incredible experience to be able
to execute a project of this magnitude.»

«An incredible experience
to be able to execute a
project of this magnitude.»

Numerous celebrate life
activities around the globe
were held
Any questions?

Ask us

For example, why is rosé more shrimp-colored? Why does a chicken only smile with its molars? Or why are we the way we are? (Spoiler: We would also like to know the last one ourselves.)